By Andres Pascual
If one of the reasons that led to the departure of baseball from the Olympic calendar was, according to authorized chroniclers, the impossibility of "control the use or abuse of substances banned from organized baseball", which recently wrote Jeff Passan puts the old and hypocritical Europe (Cathedral of the Inquisition that liquidated forever the spirit of amateurism to professionalism in the event) at level worthy of qualify so hard that the word is not good listen.
According to Passan, on the old continent resources are used very advanced to relieve pain of breakage of bones or any injury to not produce loss of irreversible mobility, even accelerate healing. In United States there is reluctance to use them, continues the chronicler, "that should be quickly at any time".
What's wrong with hastening the healing of injuries or pain relief? Nothing, in fact should be seen as a step of advancement in the study of sports medicine; However, Puritanism, myself included, always replied against the high perfomance, because "Ruth Mantle or Dimaggio had not similar treatment…", but which died from an artery clot, easily treated today, in 1930, 40, 50, 60…neither could go on living as a sick heart of this era.
I contribute to create a complex of guilt to a "cured of the heart in these times, even by a transplant", because, in 1954, the development of medicine as it is today did not exist? Why no one takes into account this and treat it as the player or athlete of any discipline before the phenomenon of growth substances? Because it is the sport, ultimate in the most absurd passion through the fanaticism, ultimately, in many places, a defeat of a soccer club produces suicides, killings and damage worth chapter barbarism social, while the purely human service, medical facilities, is just the opposite, starting with the mental hygiene.
Alex Rodriguez, according to Passan, "was to Germany to receive a treatment of substances of growth called Orthokine, requiring blood centrifugation." In addition, to make more hypocritical position of the groups who manage in Olympism, columnist said that "like I could go to Italy, France to Israel...", suggesting that in Europe, even in a bar of 4th category, as well as beer with sausage, can apply you the "forbidden" treatment if you drink two laggers.
There is no another way to solve about banned substances that authorizing their use controled by specialists, because, possibly, there are already some that may not be detectable in counts of any kind and, perhaps in 20 years, it ceases to be so persecuted its application as a member of Al-Qaeda on the edge of exploit a homicidal artifact to be placed in its right place: another step in development of the medicine that extend and improve the quality of life of any ordinary citizen.
However, are always left protesters purists, that replied would have been able to do Mantle if... and nothing will take into account that Alex, Palmeiro… did not have the guilt of being born in this era of more development at all levels; but, above all, much more money.
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